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Barsavoshi meteor shower; An event that can be seen once every year


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    Tohid Shabanloo
  • The Barsavoshi meteor shower, which is one of the most important annual meteor showers, reaches its peak on August 21-23. Of course, this meteor shower has already started and you can see it until the end of August.

    Barsavoshi meteor shower

    Experts say that the best time to see meteors starts at midnight and lasts until about an hour before sunrise.

    Barsavoshi meteor shower

    But what is Bersavashi rain? You can see this meteor shower in the northern hemisphere. The point from which these meteors pass, from our point of view, is located on the Earth in the constellation Barsavash, and that is why it is called the Barsavash meteor shower.

    Scientists say that if you are very lucky, you may be able to see 100 meteors every hour or even more.

    A meteor shower occurs when the Earth passes through dust left by comets or asteroids. When these small particles enter the earth's atmosphere, they burn and create a light line in the sky.

    The meteor shower is also due to the particles left by the comet Swift-Tuttle.

    Dr. Gregory Brown, who is in charge of general astronomy at the Royal Observatory Greenwich, said that the speed of these meteors is very high. He says that meteors hit the Earth's atmosphere at an incredible speed of 57 kilometers per second, but don't worry, this meteor shower poses no danger to us.

    Barsavoshi meteor shower

    Now how can you see this meteor shower? You should go to a place that is very dark and has a good view of the sky. The darker it is there, the better chance you have of seeing meteors.

    Dr. Brown said: "Try to go somewhere with a wide open horizon, lie on the floor or use a chair with a good back. Wait a little until your eyes get used to the darkness. "If the weather is clear and you stare at the sky for an hour, you will probably see a few meteors."


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